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Leading & Managing People at Work
Building a trusting relationship with your direct report
Management is a relational activity (5:01)
The ever-present tension when working with others (8:50)
The drivers of trust (9:37)
How managers become more trustworthy (7:23)
How managers become more trusting (5:40)
Further exercises, videos & readings about the topics we discussed
Becoming a manager for the first time
What is management? (5:00)
How are management and leadership different? (5:31)
Career Transitions (9:51)
How to set yourself up for success in any transition (6:25)
First take up self-management (9:56)
Managing your own first transition to management (8:34)
Preparing to manage the team of your current peers (8:30)
Further exercises, videos & readings about the topics we discussed
Giving your direct reports the feedback they need
Preparing for the Coaching Circle
Effective feedback depends on trust (4:09)
The benefits of the behavioral feedback approach (3:26)
Give validating and constructive feedback (4:50)
How to structure a behavioral feedback dialogue (9:39)
A detailed walk-through of the behavioral feedback dialogue (13:12)
Guidance on how you and your direct should behave to make the most of a feedback dialogue (7:46)
When should you give feedback? (9:46)
Feedback when third parties are involved (7:31)
Further exercises, videos or readings about the topics we discussed
Leadership Style
Preparing for the Coaching Circle
Introduction - What is Leadership? (6:22)
How Leaders differ from Managers (2:52)
How Leaders generate followership (5:36)
Emotional Intelligence and leadership styles (4:32)
A deep dive into Goleman's leadership styles (11:15)
Adaptability: the core Leadership competency (2:55)
Adaptive Leadership: The dancefloor and the balcony (4:02)
From Leadership Style to Adaptability (1:51)
Exploring the full extent of your potential to adapt (7:50)
Summary: Andrew's definition of leadership (2:03)
Further exercises, videos or readings about the topics we discussed
Managing your workload & saying No
Preparing for the Coaching Circle
Introduction to managing my workload (2:20)
The cascade of tasks (2:46)
Defining ownership: accountability and responsibility (2:59)
Task assignment and delegation (4:16)
Prioritisation for yourself and your team (7:09)
Pushing work down develops your team (5:26)
To whom should I give which task? (3:34)
How managers assign & delegate tasks (16:42)
How to accept or reject tasks (10:14)
Saying a better No
How to vary your monitoring and attention (7:10)
A process for managers to manage their schedule (4:08)
Further exercises, videos or readings about the topics we discussed
Setting objectives for your team
Preparing for Setting Objectives
Introduction, principles & assumptions (5:29)
Why set objectives? (2:46)
How objectives fit into the performance management process (3:24)
Getting the data I need to set effective objectives (3:44)
Creating effective SMART measurable objectives (4:28)
Stating my objectives in writing (2:36)
Preparing for the objective setting discussion with my boss (9:34)
The personal development plan (4:48)
Further exercises, videos or readings about the topics we discussed
Executive Presence
Preparing for the Executive Presence circle
What is Executive Presence (4:06)
Why pursue Executive Presence (3:17)
The behavioral approach to Executive Presence (6:55)
From approachable presence to authoritative presence (6:39)
Body language for Executive Presence (3:34)
Verbal & non-verbal stylistics for Executive Presence (7:12)
Further exercises, videos or readings about the topics we discussed
Building & developing your team
Preparing for the building & developing your team circle
Introduction to team dynamics (6:58)
Leading your team through forming and storming (4:02)
Leading your team through norming and performing (4:38)
Where is your team now? (0:42)
Planning capability development (3:54)
Developing team capabilities (5:22)
Further exercises, videos or readings about the topics we discussed
Visibility & Managing your Stakeholders
Preparing for the Visibility & Managing your Stakeholders circle
Introduction to visibility & managing your stakeholders (2:12)
What is visibility? (5:02)
Why should you be more visible? (3:10)
What is a stakeholder? (3:58)
Who are your stakeholders? (5:15)
Mapping your stakeholders (7:52)
Ananlysing your stakeholder relationships (10:34)
Further exercises, videos or readings about the topics we discussed
How to set yourself up for success in any transition
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