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Interview preparation & practice
Getting started
What you will learn
How to use the Interview Preparation course
What you will need
Plan, prepare and practice your interview material
Preparing for your Interview or mock interview
How to analyse a Job Description or Job Ad
Answering the 'Tell me about yourself' question (5:54)
Answering the "You seem to change jobs frequently..." questions
Illustrating your aptitude and attitude (5:42)
Preparing to talk about your achievements (4:00)
Illustrating your Transferable Skills
Over/Under-qualification concerns
Answering behavioral questions to help the interviewer (6:57)
Why is this the right job for you? (1:37)
Why are you the right person for this job? Why should we hire you? (2:54)
What salary are you looking for and more risky questions (4:27)
Why do you want to leave your last employer?
Questions about the longer-term: motivation, intention and interests (4:16)
The leadership style question
What is your strategy/action plan for this role?
Being vulnerable: introduction to failure and weakness questions (3:40)
The Failure question (2:27)
The Weakness question (3:11)
Questions about Ethics
Questions about Studying, Education & Internships (4:58)
Appearance, handshakes & entry
Building Rapport with the interviewer
Taking the Interviewers perspective: Show & Tell (7:23)
How to respond to the interviewer's behavioural queues & apparent biases
How interviewers dig deeper (9:47)
Self-Confidence & showing Confidence in interviews (10:14)
More questions
Asking questions at the end of an interview
How to close & leave the room (4:09)
Online interviews (5:43)
Informal interviews: Meals & Fireside Chats
After the Interview
Templates for specific post-interview actions
Practice on video and evaluate yourself as an interviewer
Plan your your rapid learning loop (6:07)
Reviewing your self-video performance (8:30)
Planning for continuous improvement. (1:30)
Mock interview with Andrew
Scheduling your mock interview
The Failure question
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