Learning Objectives

In this module you can learn:

  1. How to make a difficult career decision
  2. Managing FOMO
  3. Are you looking for reasons to say yes?
  4. When I receive an offer, what options do I have?
  5. Using an Offer as Market Data
  6. Using an offer to flush out more offers
  7. When should I choose?
  8. How to evaluate multiple offers
  9. How to deal with competing approaches from the market
  10. How to connect with your future self
  11. How to build your evaluation criteria
  12. How many options are enough
  13. Choosing between Employer Brands
  14. Choosing between Cultures
  15. Evaluating a Startup
  16. Eliminating Contrast Effect in Offer Selection
  17. Managing competing offers/opportunities
  18. Making the 'right' choice for the 'right' reasons

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