Learning Objectives
In this module you can learn:
- What is a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)?
- Components of a PIP
- How to manage yourself during a PIP
- How PIPs fit with other performance management tools
- Why do employers use PIPs?
- What are the risks to your career from a PIP?
- Can you avoid a PIP?
- What Legal & Ethical concerns should you be aware of?
- What are the alternatives to a PIP?
- How to respond when you are informed of your PIP?
- How to manage progress Meetings with your Manager?
- How to organize your time through a PIP?
- What are the warning signs that your PIP may fail?
- What you should avoid during a PIP?
- How to manage the PIP Closure Meeting
- What are the potential outcomes?
- What to do when your PIP is extended?
- What to do when your PIP has failed?
- What to do when your PIP has succeeded?
We strongly recommend that you take legal advice in the appropriate jurisdiction when you negotiate a Performance Improvement Plan or experience unfair treatment.
Our mission is to provide resources, information, and insights that empower individuals to explore, pursue, and achieve their career aspirations. Our guidance is not a substitute for legal advice before, during or after your termination. The content provided in this module, including but not limited to articles, videos, blog posts, guides, tools, and recommendations, is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be, and should not be interpreted as, legal advice or a substitute for legal advice for any legal jurisdiction. The information on our website is designed