How to use this course

"The keener the competition, the more important is the manner in which the job-hunter looks for a job in that field or occupation" Dick Bolles

Active job seekers, start here

Here are the modules to prioritize for immediate and impactful action:

  1. Assessing Readiness & Transferable Skills & Experience: This initial phase is vital. It aids in understanding your current position in the job market, the readiness for the roles you're targeting, and the transferable skills you possess. It includes a Transferable Skills Gap Analysis and self-initiated education to address any gaps, setting a solid foundation for your job search.
  2. Personal Branding: In today's job market, personal branding can distinguish you from other candidates. This module covers crafting your narrative, auditing your social media presence, and developing a personal brand statement that resonates with your target employers. It also includes a 7-day LinkedIn Action Plan, crucial for active job seekers to enhance their visibility and network effectively.
  3. CV & Cover Letter Writing: Your CV and cover letter are often the first impression potential employers have of you. This section provides detailed guidance on tailoring your CV for each application, analyzing job descriptions for effective application, and crafting cover letters that capture attention and articulate your suitability for the role.
  4. Interview Skills: Mastering interview skills is crucial for converting job applications into job offers. This module includes comprehensive preparation tips, from addressing common questions to demonstrating your achievements and fit for the role, ensuring you present yourself confidently and competently.
  5. Networking & Coffee Chats: Networking is a powerful tool in any job search. This section offers strategies for effective networking, conducting informational interviews or coffee chats, and building professional relationships that can lead to job opportunities.

Active job seekers should start with these modules to enhance their job search strategy, ensuring they are well-prepared to present themselves as the ideal candidate to potential employers. Each module is designed to build upon the previous, creating a cohesive and comprehensive approach to job searching.

Uncertain about your next career step, start here

Here's a guide to the most relevant modules for someone exploring their career options:

  1. What do you want from your career?: This foundational module encourages deep reflection on your values, motivations, interests, and the work environment that best suits you. Utilizing Edgar Schein's Career Orientations Inventory, it aids in defining clear career objectives and understanding what you seek in your next career move.
  2. Self-Awareness: Psychometric assessments: A critical component for those uncertain about their next steps, this module provides insights into your personality traits, strengths, and potential career fits. It covers interpreting your Five Factor results and other assessments like Hogan Leadership Forecast and DISC, offering a comprehensive understanding of your professional persona.
  3. Career Strategy in a VUCA world: Addressing the challenges of navigating a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) world, this module helps in reassessing your career goals, capabilities, and the opportunities available in the job market. It guides you through refining your target job into new options, exploring alternative career paths, and considering entrepreneurship.
  4. Exploration and Goal Setting: Directly addressing the question of 'What shall I do next?', this section offers a structured approach to career exploration, goal setting, and focusing your efforts. It provides a roadmap for mapping out your journey from uncertainty to starting a new job, ensuring a strategic approach to career development.
  5. Personal Branding and Networking: Although more action-oriented, these modules are essential for anyone at a career crossroads. They focus on building a personal brand that aligns with your career aspirations and leveraging your network for exploration and advice, which can be instrumental in discovering new opportunities.

These modules are designed to guide you through a process of self-discovery, strategic planning, and actionable steps towards clarifying and achieving your next career objectives. By following this tailored advice, individuals unsure of their next steps can navigate their career journey with confidence and purpose.

Starting a new job, start here

To ensure a successful transition and strong early performance in your new role, here’s a focused guide on the modules to prioritize:

  1. Transition & Success in New Role: This module is directly tailored to individuals in a new job, covering everything from negotiating and clarifying probation terms to common mistakes new joiners make. It provides a comprehensive action plan for the first 90 days, focusing on managing personal transition, probation period, and setting the right priorities to ensure a successful start.
  2. Personal Branding: Establishing a strong personal brand in a new organization is crucial. This module will guide you on how to audit your social media, craft your personal brand statement, and ensure your LinkedIn profile supports your new role, aiding in building your professional image within the new organization.
  3. Networking & Coffee Chats: Building a strong internal network is key to success in a new role. This section offers strategies for effective networking within your new organization, conducting informational interviews, and utilizing your connections for mutual benefit.
  4. Interview Skills: Although primarily designed for job seekers, this module can be useful for understanding how to articulate your value proposition, achievements, and how you can contribute to your new role, which is beneficial for internal meetings and when establishing your presence in the new organization.
  5. Assessing Readiness & Transferable Skills & Experience: Reflecting on your readiness and understanding the transferable skills you bring to your new role can help you identify areas for quick wins and areas for development, ensuring a smooth transition and successful early impact.
  6. How to Use Mentors, Coaches, and Sponsors: Navigating a new job successfully often involves leveraging the advice and support of more experienced colleagues. This module provides insights on how to find and make the most of these relationships to accelerate your learning and integration into the new role.

Focusing on these modules will equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and tools needed to navigate the early stages of your new job effectively, laying the foundation for long-term success and career advancement.

MBA students, start here

For MBA students poised to navigate complex job markets and harness your newfound knowledge, this course offers modules specifically tailored to leverage your advanced education and position you for success. Here are the modules an MBA student should prioritize:

  1. Personal Branding: This module is crucial for MBA students to differentiate themselves in a competitive job market. It covers creating a compelling personal narrative that leverages your MBA knowledge and experience, enhancing your visibility and appeal to potential employers.
  2. Networking & Coffee Chats: Networking is indispensable for MBA graduates, providing opportunities to connect with industry leaders, alumni, and potential employers. This section offers insights into effective networking strategies, leveraging your MBA network, and conducting informational interviews to uncover opportunities.
  3. CV & Cover Letter Writing: Tailoring your CV and cover letter to highlight your MBA credentials and related experiences is vital. This module provides guidance on positioning your MBA effectively, ensuring that your applications stand out to recruiters.
  4. Interview Skills: With an MBA, you're likely to face challenging interviews that test your strategic thinking and leadership potential. This section equips you with strategies to articulate your value proposition effectively, leveraging your MBA insights during interviews.
  5. Becoming a Thought Leader for Career Advancement: For MBA students aiming for leadership roles, establishing yourself as a thought leader is key. This module guides you on leveraging your MBA knowledge to contribute to industry discussions, enhancing your professional standing and career prospects.
  6. Career Choice Evaluation & Decision-Making: Finally, this module aids in making informed career decisions post-MBA, evaluating potential roles and industries where you can maximize the impact of your MBA education.

These modules are designed to ensure MBA students not only transition successfully into the job market but also position themselves as competitive candidates for leadership roles, leveraging their MBA education to its fullest potential.

Content in your job, start here

To further enhance your career satisfaction and progression, focusing on specific modules can provide significant value:

  1. Personal Branding: This module is essential for maintaining and enhancing your visibility and value within your current organization and industry. It involves crafting and conveying a compelling professional narrative that aligns with your career goals and current role.
  2. Promotion and Internal Moves/Transfers: Even if you're satisfied with your current position, understanding how to navigate the path to promotion or an internal transfer can be beneficial. This section covers the formal and informal aspects of securing promotions and making strategic internal moves, which can be critical for long-term career development.
  3. Becoming a Thought Leader for Career Advancement: For those looking to establish themselves as experts within their field, this module offers guidance on finding your voice and sharing your insights. It covers practical steps for blogging, connecting with your target market, and leveraging your expertise for career advancement.
  4. Networking & Coffee Chats: Building and maintaining a professional network is crucial, regardless of your current job satisfaction. This section provides strategies for effective networking, conducting informational interviews, and utilizing your connections for mutual benefit.
  5. Assessing Readiness & Transferable Skills & Experience: Regular assessment of your skills and readiness for future challenges is key to continued career satisfaction. This module helps you evaluate your current capabilities and identify areas for development or upskilling.

Each of these modules offers strategies and insights that can be applied to enhance your current job satisfaction, prepare for future opportunities, and ensure sustained career growth and fulfillment.

New to the job market, start here

Embarking on your career journey can be both exhilarating and daunting. The "Complete Career Strategy & Job Change Course" provides a well-structured curriculum tailored to equip new entrants with the necessary skills, insights, and strategies to navigate the job market successfully. Here are the modules to focus on initially:

  1. Getting Started - Overview: This module serves as an introduction to the course, offering a preview of what to expect and how to prepare yourself mentally and practically for the job search process. It kick-starts your self-awareness journey, which is crucial for career success.
  2. Assessing Readiness & Transferable Skills & Experience: Understanding your current skills and how they transfer to potential job opportunities is fundamental. This section includes a Transferable Skills Gap Analysis and strategies for gaining experience, even if you're starting without much on your resume.
  3. CV & Cover Letter Writing: Your CV and cover letter are your first impressions with potential employers. This module covers how to adapt your CV for each application, analyze job descriptions, and craft cover letters that stand out, ensuring you present your qualifications and experiences effectively.
  4. Personal Branding: Building a personal brand is essential for job seekers in today's digital age. This module guides you through creating a personal brand statement, auditing your social media presence, and utilizing LinkedIn to support your job search efforts.
  5. Networking & Coffee Chats: Networking can open doors to opportunities that might not be advertised publicly. This section provides insights on how to network effectively, including conducting informational interviews and utilizing coffee chats to build professional relationships.
  6. Interview Skills: Preparing for interviews is critical. This module offers comprehensive guidance on how to prepare for interviews, including how to answer common questions, demonstrate your suitability for the role, and articulate your career aspirations and achievements confidently.

Focusing on these modules will provide a solid foundation for those new to the job market, equipping them with the tools and confidence needed to embark on their career paths successfully.

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