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Transitioning into a New Role
Managing your Professional Mindset through the Transition
Common mistakes new joiners make and gaps in company onboarding processes
Research on Failure in the first 3-18 months in a new role
Impostor thinking
Overcoming Embarrassment About Redundancy
Authenticity vs. Adaptability
Balancing the “outsider” and “insider” perspectives
Set Up to Fail Syndrome
The Busyness Effect
Confirmation bias
Authority Bias
Loss Aversion
Narcissistic thinking
Fundamental Attribution Error
Managing yourself through Transition
Managing your Personal Transition
Understand the Shift in Your Professional Identity
Emotional Intelligence
Ethical behaviour
Resilence & Stress
Continuous Learning Mindset (4:13)
Setting & Managing Boundaries
Before you Join
Between signing and joining - Action Plan
Start with the End in Mind
How big is your transition challenge? (4:50)
Managing your Network through Transition
Preparing to take up a role in a new national culture
What do they know before you arrive?
Day One
Crafting your First Impression
Introductions: What will you say first? (10:20)
Responding to surprises
What could possibly go wrong?
HR Onboarding processes
Phrases to avoid in your early conversations
Planning your transition
Day 0 to Day 90 Action Plan (6:21)
What is your planning horizon? (6:46)
C-Level priorities in the first 90 days
Leader of leaders' priorities in the first 90 days
Middle Management priorities in the first 90 days
New Manager priorities in the first 90 days
Individual Contributor priorities in the first 90 days
Some thoughts for Early Career Professionals
Remote Worker priorities in the first 90 days
Preparing for Specific Contexts
Succeeding a Successful Predecessor
Succeeding a Failed Predecessor
Becoming a Country Head
Working in Parallel with Your Predecessor
Transitioning to a new role with the same employer
When the former incumbent becomes your line manager
Succeeding your Line Manager
Replacing your former Boss
Double-hatting Old and New Roles
Building a New Team
When Working with Your Former Employer’s Staff
Moving to a distinctly different function in the same employer
When you Suspect you have been Hired as a 'Takeout'
Strategy & Execution
What is your Strategy?
Navigating Conflicting Diagnoses
Selecting & Planning Quick Wins
Delivering & Communicating Quick Wins
Building Alliances
Leading Change
Reflect & Adapt
Managing your new direct Manager
First meeting with your manager
First meeting with your manager's manager
Building a solid alliance with your new Manager
Managers can inadvertently set up new staff for failure or conflict with their Peers
When Your New Manager Doesn’t Set Clear Objectives
When Your Reporting Line is Ambiguous
When your manager Avoids Specific Commitments
Handling a Micromanaging Boss
Handling Differential Treatment
Managing Stakeholder Relationships
Defining Stakeholder & Relationship
First Meeting with a Stakeholder
Getting to know your Stakeholders: Supports, Opponents & Persuadables
Stakeholder Mapping
Trusting & Trustworthiness
Evaluating levels of Trust (9:37)
Maintaining effective stakeholder relationships
Managing Specific Relationship Threats to Delivery
Building your board of advisors
Are the Advisors Who Got You Here the Advisors Who Will Get You There?
Making the most of your professional network
What can go wrong?
Role Model
Managing your New Team
Meeting your New Team of Direct Reports
Assessing your New Team (9:24)
Assessing your New Team as a Whole (9:36)
Taking over a virtual team
Motivating your Team
Managing the work your new team does
Managing Ethical Concerns with your New Team
Shaping Culture
Exercising Influence
Identify & evaluate your key stakeholders (7:32)
Overcoming Resistance
Influence as an Exchange (12:29)
Social Influence
Shaping Perceptions and Alternatives
Gaining Acceptance
Developing a new narrative: stories, symbols, and metaphors
Managing your Probation/Confirmation process
Negotiating and clarifying Probation terms
Managing your Probation period for confirmation
After Completing a Successful Probation
Managing Unexpected Probation Outcomes
The Psychodynamics of taking up a new role
Role History & Role Biography
Group Dynamics and Anxiety Management
Projection and Transference
Organizational Defenses
Holding & Containing Space
Power and Authority
Role and identity
Organizational Fantasies and Myths
Ambition and Aggression
Navigating Group Dynamics
Balancing Personal and Organizational Needs
The Psychological Contract
Evaluating your Transition
What's next? (1:58)
Reflection & Coaching
Making the most of your professional network
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